Adventurer, Teamplayer, Designer, Ocean-Nerd.

Hello there!

My name is Laura Scussolini. I am a product designer, traveler, storyteller, and ocean advocate. Further, I am passionate about protecting our oceans and regenerating coral reefs. As a designer, I am fascinated by innovative ideas, that lead to a more regenerative interaction between us and nature. Throughout my design process, I value interdisciplinary collaboration and being open-minded toward new approaches to learn from one another and develop ideas that foster positive change.


B.A. Integrated Product Design at
Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts
2018 – 2023

Founded in 1998, the Integrated Product Design Program of the University of Applied Sciences Coburg merges the disciplines of design, engineering, business, manufacturing, visual perception as well as interaction. Students have access to workshop areas that allow for the production of prototypes. Specific courses on material sciences, manufacturing technologies, technical mechanics, ergonomics, and collaborating with industry partners enhanced my understanding of real-world needs in future innovations.

Workshop Year at the Werkbund Werkstatt Nürnberg
2017 – 2018

The Werkbund Werkstatt Nürnberg is a private educational institution founded in 1987 by the Deutscher Werkbund Bayern. The school serves as a practical training and orientation year for students in the design field. The training lasts nine months and is recognized as an internship at art colleges and universities in the design field. The training covers the areas of design, wood, glass, metal, textile, theatre, communication, perspective drawing, art history as well as art and design theory.

Abitur at the Humanistic and Musical School
Heinrich-Schliemann-Gynasium Fürth
2009 – 2017

The Heinrich-Schliemann-Gymnasium combines humanistic education with the teaching of learning techniques and a sense of responsibility for life in the modern world. I received a broad education in the arts, languages, natural sciences, and social sciences. I finished my Abitur with a grade of 1,7 and took written exams in Arts after being part of the Art Addendum for two years.

Practical Experience

Working Student at
Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts
2020/2023 – 8 months

As a working student for the M.A. design at Coburg University, I redesigned the course website with a fellow student and created content for their Instagram page. Working for the B.A. Integrated Product Design I mainly created content regarding thesis work and students projects for the course website.

Working Student at Bearpaw Products
2023 – 6 months

Bearpaw Products is the fastest-growing archery brand for the B2B and B2C segments worldwide. As a product designer, I worked on redesigning old products up to the brand’s standards, developed quality guidelines, and did visual design as well as product photography and editing. During my time at Bearpaw Products, I gained experience working with suppliers within an interdisciplinary team.

Product Design Internship at Shakes Bkk, Bangkok
2020/21 – 5 months

Shakes Bkk is an award-winning creative consultancy that focuses on visual and communicative brand management, storytelling, industrial design & engineering, packaging, media design, and website development. During my time at Shakes Bkk, I worked with brands from a variety of sectors and took on entire projects together with a fellow intern. While I covered the whole design process, my main areas were Research and Ideation, Packaging Design, Visual Design, CAD and Rendering.

Voluntary Work

Fridays for Future
09/2023 – now

FridaysforFuture is a youth-led and -organized movement. It is part of a hopeful new wave of change, inspiring people to take action on the climate crisis. As a part of the local group in Fürth, I am organizing speeches for the global climate strikes as well as events to connect and educate people regarding the challenges we are facing through climate change.

wirgestalten e.V.
2018 – 2023

Wirgestalten e.V. is a platform for students. Our goals include social and socio-cultural projects in the fields of urban development, ecology, art, culture, and education. As part of the team, I organized workshops and talks as well as events like the Campus Design Open at Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

Coral Restoration Volunteer and Designer
at Coral for Conservation, Fiji

2022 – 5 months

Corals for Conservation is an NGO that develops strategies for promoting coral-focused climate change adaptation. These strategies are used to train reef-dependent communities to take an active role in fighting coral reef decline. Apart from the fieldwork I did, I developed educational materials and presentation decks for the coral restoration workshops. I further took part in organizing those workshops and communicating the Reefs of Hope Strategy that was launched in 2023.